The Monday Question: Cinema annoyances!

It’s Monday and this past weekend the LAMMY winner for best blogathon was announced. Although I was nominated I (unfortunately) did not win, but I’m happy to congratulate Mettel Ray for her Movie Alphabet blogathon. We have already decided we’ll go head to head for next year’s Lammy, so look forward to some great blogathons. Now back to the regular program, this week’s question:

Going to the cinema is something which we all do as almost nothing beats seeing movies on a huge screen. A lot of frustration at the cinema will come from your fellow moviegoers, whether it’s because they are looking at their phone during the movie, talking loudly or eating smelly food, these are simply facts about seeing a movie at the cinema which we won’t be able to change. But forget about the other people watching the movie and look at the cinema itself, that’s what this week’s Monday question is about:

What’s the most annoying thing about your local cinema which you wish they’d change?

I have to say that the cinemas I go to are very good so the annoyances are pretty small. The only things I’d like to see different would be that in one of the cinemas there are only two spot to pay for the snacks, which means there are usually huge lines. It always surprises me as that’s the place where a cinema makes the most money. The second thing is that sometimes the lights will be turned on before the credits have finished (or sometimes even during the last scene). I’m interested to hear about your annoyances.

26 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Cinema annoyances!

  1. I like that we decided not to dwell/relish in the loss/victory and went straight for the “I’ll See You Next year!” competition mode. It kind of shows that the process of creating and blogathoning is enjoyable and worth a lot.. even if there’s not a Lammy to show for it. So congrats to you too! For having the time and motivation to make blogathons. πŸ™‚

    PS: I don’t have a local cinema, is that annoying enough? πŸ˜€ And I have a “cinema room” which shows all the out dated movies, that’s annoying. Also annoying, people who smuggle McDonald’s into the cinema.. I can live with everything else than a smell of a burger. *stars off Monday whining about things – thanks! :D*

    • Well, have to look ahead (although I’ll admit that I was quite disappointed having built it up in my mind and just waiting for the result, but was happy that you took the title). Still happy I had been nominated without me doing hardly any promotion. I am looking forward to new blogathons, it’s been a while since I’ve last done one!

      No local cinema? Hope you don’t have to drive too far to catch a movie then. When i was a teenager it was a sport to try to smuggle in Burger King meals…was a lot of fun to do πŸ˜‰

      • I had the same situation with my rating system.. I didn’t even get nominated so.. I kind of know what you mean. But regarding the blogathons, I’ll try to do my best with the next one but I doubt my idea is that good.

        A bit of distance makes the heart go fonder.. so I’ve heard. πŸ˜€

        • Well, you were also were not sure you would make a chance with the Lammies for the blogathon, so I’m sure it is going to be a cool one πŸ™‚

          Apparently that is true…

  2. There is nothing really annoying about my local cinema.

    What does annoy me is parents bringing inappropriately aged kids to movies. There should not be an 8-year old at a 10:00 PM screening of “Prometheus”. Does the parent not know there will be tears and screaming involved from their kids?

    • Well, you always have these people who don’t take responsibility or think about what they show their kids. Some people would benefit from a “parenting school”.

      Talking about that I know that some local cinemas here have these showings for parents with babies and I always wonder who would go to screenings like that? Sure the sound is softer, but if you really want to see a movie why not get a babysitter?

  3. I remember when they put stadium seating in all the theaters and I thought that was the greatest thing and then they offered dining options at theaters and again, it was the greatest thing. Yesterday I saw Iron Man at a LOOK Cinema which served food from Nick & Sam which is an award winning restaurant and while it was expensive, it was a cool experience. Can’t wait to see what they come up with next.

  4. I have no major complaints about my local theatres (granted, I have only been to two of the major theatres; haven’t checked out the third yet since it’s relatively new). The two I regularly go to are in the same mall, so they’re convenient. Same company, so one’s run as a second-run theatre, so between the two of them I have a wide selection of films (and anything in the second-run theatre is cheap). I don’t buy snacks, so that’s not an issue.

    The only real issue I have is that there isn’t any place to sit while waiting for the theatre to start admitting people in for the movie. The lobbies are pretty sparse on chairs.

    Beyond that, my only complaint is more of a “wish they’d do that again”. One summer a few years back, the second-run theatre did midnight matinees of older films (Top Gun, for example) for $1.50 on Friday and Saturday nights. Lot of fun, great way to see films that haven’t been in theatres in years. But they only did it that one year.

    • Nice to have that choice and also see the movies which are a bit older. You might be able to ask them via email if they are planning on doing it again, at least you’ll know why if they don’t πŸ™‚

  5. I had a massive rant about the thing I really hate about my local cinema. They have one IMAX screen which I love but they keep showing 3d films on it which I can’t see due to an eye condition. At least let me choose – 3d or IMAX. Sorry had to get that off my chest!

  6. To avoid annoying people doing stuff like talking and checking their phone mid film I go to films at specific times. On the opening day because the staff are really vigilant and Sunday afternoons because nobody is around πŸ˜€

  7. Nothing really drives me crazy at theaters. I don’t get to go as often with a baby at home, so it feels like a treat each time I get there. I do hate that theaters leave the lights on during trailers. I also tend to go at weird times, so the theaters are usually not crowded. There may be five other people in the theater, but someone always sits right in front of me. It happens every time.

  8. Like you, Im fortunate. My movie theater of choice runs a good operation. Of course my main annoyance is talking but in terms of the theater itself I do have one annoyance. Recently they have started showing films about 5 minutes or more after the listed start time. You go in for an 11 AM movie at the trailers won’t even start until 11:15 or 11:10. That is annoying especially if you like to sometimes catch two movies in a day.

    • Yeah, that’s very annoying indeed. Maybe I should add that I wish they’d immediately start the movie instead of showing commercials and trailers. I know the arthouse places do it, but more should do so πŸ™‚

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