Catch .44 (2011)

review Catch .44

I have a question for you (and it’s not even Monday). Do you ever have the feeling when you are watching a movie that it strongly reminds you of some other movie or that the style is very similar to a movie done by a specific director? I think it happens to all of us and as the number of movies you watch increases it’s a feeling that will happen more often as well. I had it very strongly with this movie. It seems that writer and director Aaron Harvey has been watching a lot of Quentin Tarantino movies. With a lot of focus on dialogue, a non linear storyline, similar music choices, grindhouse style cuts and some very violent scenes Catch .44 offers a lot of the same. Does it manage to reach the same level as Tarantino’s movies?


The story of Catch .44 evolves around Tes (Malin Akerman), Sara (Reila Aphrodite) and Kara (Nikki Reed) who work for Mel (Bruce Willis). They get assignments from him and get a job where they have to go to a remote diner to intercept a drug transport. They have no idea though who is doing the drug transport. They arrive late at the place and seem to have missed the exchange and decide to get their information from the woman running the diner using their guns. Things don’t exactly go as planned and the rest of the movie explains what happened before this situation and what happens after.

The cast is good with Malin Akerman as the main character of the movie. Bruce Willis only has a couple of scenes and didn’t stand out much. My favorite though was Forest Whitaker and he really is the reason you should watch this movie. He really showcases here how versatile he can be and I was a big fan of his character.

Catch .44

Catch .44 was an enjoyable movie, although I did have the feeling that it didn’t have its own unique style. It just seemed to be a slightly worse copy of a Tarantino movie. It’s worth watching though if you can look past that.

Score: 7

6 thoughts on “Catch .44 (2011)

  1. Nice review mate.

    I haven’t heard of ‘Catch .44’ before and based on your review I might wait a lil bit before I do. It does sound very Tarantino-esque, makes me wonder if the director has been heavily influenced by Tarantino’s style.

    I do like Forest Whitaker though. Personally I thought he was the strongest part of ‘Panic Room’ and made that film even better so it sound like he did it again here.

    Thanks for the insight.

    • Thanks Russel! Yeah, he has been heavily influnced (some will say he actually copied his style). Although I’ve seen it I can’t remember much of Panic Room.

  2. I think Tarantino has reached a stage that eventually newer film makers will get inspired by him, so I see no problem in that, provided they do a good job of the film. The stroy seems interesting and your review sort of solidifies that it might be a good watch. Cheers!

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